Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Munich, Take Two

Well, I learned two things today:

1. Munich has two separate medical schools (much like Omaha).

2. The previous fellows were right...take less clothing than you think you need. Though my suitcase is compact, it's very heavy, and I can already tell that dragging it all over the German speaking world is going to get old fast. On the other hand, so would constantly wearing the same three outfits and one pair of shoes.

But point number one meant that today we started out at 6:30 AM, again gave talks, followed by lively discussion, and I also got to observe a pediatric orthopaedic clinic. No fractures..trauma is an entirely separate department from orthopaedics, but lots of common general peds ortho problems. It was interesting to see what was done the same as we do, and where the differences were, and I'm looking forward to seeing if there are regional differences as well. I'm proud to say that between my German and the fact that medical terminology is pretty universal, I understood virtually everything without translation. This evening we took a train to Wuerzburg, in the northernmost part of Bavaria. I'm excited because:
1. I"ve never been here before, and the hosts have planned sightseeing in the schedule.
2. This is German wine country.
3. The hotel has great internet access.

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